A Woman Washes the Floor with Vinegar – This Is the Result!

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Washing Everything with Vinegar

Rhonda does most of the washing in her house with the abundant vinegar that is produced from the business. She makes an effective cleaning solution with lukewarm water and vinegar when she is cleaning.

If there is a need for a deep clean, Rhonda would add more vinegar solution and lesser water. Common dirt that is found in the house can easily be separated from the floor by water and vinegar.


It does a great job with the floor, dishes, TV screens and other equipment.

— It’s a natural agent for fighting common infections and germs. Plants are protectors of their own from harmful organisms. It is superior to the cleaning agents and soap.

But that’s not the end of it!

Everything Sparkles

The house begins to sparkle when the sun comes out and shines on the house and rays pass through the windows from outside.

Do you need sunglasses? Rhonda chuckled.

She then goes on and explains how this amazing effect occurs.

— I refer to the cleaning solution as a liquid diamond. If you pour it on a tree, it will brighten up, and the small dents will be invisible. If you add olive oil to the floor, you will see it shine like a basketball court.

Robert walked inside. Rhonda smiled and pointed at his balding head.

— The reason he looks so young is that he washes his hair with vinegar. This won’t help with wrinkling, though!

Rhonda stared to the side.

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